The Big Squeeze blog's genesis is an allegory to an orange tree that bears thick orange fruits. With its abundance, the weight of its clustered produce are even enough to bring the tree's branches down to the ground. Since the fruits are so many, it is but politically right to share the fruits and probably make it into orange juice. Yes, squeezing all the juices in the fruit so that all may receive and share - Extracting its essence so as to that refresh our senses and quench our thirst for substance and relevance.
The orange tree is my camera and the orange fruit are the photos I capture in my every snap - every captured moments that tell stories in different perspectives and varying layers that made up the things we called LIFE - be it critical, humorous, devastating, heartwarming, peculiar, mundane, light, weird, intriguing, interesting, etc.
From the significant happenings that unfold almost everyday, a select occurrence will be highlighted in this blog, that very much sums up the events for a week, in a series of photographs squeezed off of its honesty and faithfulness to reality.
Drink on its extracts then and enjoy the juice!
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