Sunday, July 29, 2012

Binuhat creation

Week 29: They printed their t-shirts in big bold letters of BAKLA AKO (I am gay), then paraded all over town waving in flamboyant colored flag, proud and well gay. The third sex in the city could very much flaunt themselves with pride and honor without the fear of ridicule and discrimination. The City Government of Tagum even concocted a grand festival just for them - The Binuhat Festival. Binuhat is the Bisayan term for 'creation'. But the creation in focus here is more of the creative products and outputs they spawned than the creation themselves. Mrs. Alma L. Uy, the head of the Tourism Council of the City have long been recognizing the wonderful  contributions of the gay community to the society. The gays after all, Mrs. Uy added, made her beautiful as well as the rest of the women of Tagum.

The crowned winner of the search for the Queen of the world, Tagum city's grand Miss gay competition, pose for the crowd for photo ops.

The pride parade at the main streets of Tagum City.
The rehearsal of the contestants for the Queen of the world contest.
The rainbow connect.  A pride motorcade around town.
One of the fun 'gaymes' (games) that test the strength, agility and skills of the Binuhats.
A Binuhat yearly version of Brazil's Mardi Gras.
A salon trade fair at the mall.
Pinoy Henyo game take by the Binuhats.
Binuhats extends support to the Care for School Chairs program of the City Mayor Rey T. Uy.
The big and daring contestant of the Bowa beauty contest, participated by big-sized Binuhats in the city.

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